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Please make sure you have ride the mainpage, rules, and FAQ before you submit your RSVP.


This is what is going to happen when you completed RSVP below:


1. You will complete Google form, upon completing this you will receive acknowledgement page

2. We will send you an email containing a link to register in RWGPS a few days later. When you click this link you will be routed to RWGPS page.You will be asked to enter your name, email and age. Please make sure you completed these request, if you klik OPTOUT or DOES NOT COMPLETE INFORMATION in FULL - we will remove you from the list without notice. All specific information about Graventure to participant will be notified via RWGPS.

3. If your registration is succesfull you will receive email from RWGPS, but if during data validation your information is incomplete as per #2 above - we will remove you from the list without notification...sorry.

4. You can access the route and event page from your apps, but the route will only be available once we notified you few days before day.

5. Plese do not submit  RSVP repeatedly, you are spamming the system and taking other people chances to RSVP. If this is the case, we may cancel your RSVP despite your inital succesful entry.


Waiver Statement
By RSVP and using this route I agree to abide by the rules take responsibility for my personal safety and well being and will not hold the route designer/event organizer from any liability arises. I will also follow and comply with applicable local health protocol and social distancing requirement.


Pelepasan Tanggung Jawab
Dengan reservasi dan menggunakan rute ini saya setuju untuk mematuhi peraturan dan bertanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan diri sendiri, dan melepaskan dan membebaskan pembuat rute/panitia acara dari tanggung jawab atas  apapun yang terjadi. Saya juga berjanji akan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku.

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